Conference in the Presence of Mike Pompeo, former US Secretary of State
The Strategic Defeat in Syria and Lebanon Is a Clear Reflection of the Clerical Regime’s Weakness and Instability
The Next Dictatorship to Be Overthrown is the Mullahs’ Regime
We are happy that PMOI members at Ashraf 3 are joining us today in this conference. We welcome them.
Mr. Secretary,
Welcome to the Home of the Iranian Resistance. We are delighted to host you in the early days of the New Year. I hope this year will be a successful year for the people of the United States and a year of freedom, peace and prosperity for our people and the entire Middle East.
The Regime’s Setbacks in 2024
2024 was a year full of serious defeats for the regime. We saw widespread boycotts of two sham elections, increased resistance in prisons, more young people joining Resistance Units, and the expansion of their activities.
The regime also confronted a broken economy, 40% inflation, widespread poverty and massive financial corruption, especially among officials and IRGC commanders and growing defections among its loyal forces.
In these circumstances, the regime’s main proxy force, Hezbollah in Lebanon, suffered serious blows, and finally the pillar of Khamenei’s strategy in the region, the Assad dictatorship, was destroyed in the final months of the year. Now, Khamenei faces the prospect of an uprising.
If the regime were not weak and unstable inside Iran, and if it were not surrounded by the anger of the people, it could stay in Syria and preserve its most important ally. What happened in Syria is a clear reflection of the regime’s weakness.
Khamenei’s close advisors had proudly claimed, “Iran’s influence has been established from Iran, Iraq, and Syria to the Mediterranean Sea.”[1]
They called Syria “our thirty-fifth province”[2] and referred to it as “the golden ring of resistance.”[3]
What happened in Syria revealed the weakness of the regime’s forces. At the start of the battles in Aleppo, the regime had 30 bases in that area alone. [4] Yet, as soon as the opposition launched its attacks, the regime’s forces disintegrated.
Media reported that “350 opposition forces entered Aleppo and 30,000 government and Iran-loyal forces escaped without any resistance, destroyed their positions, and left the area. Similar situations happened across Syria.”[5]

Khamenei’s Hegemony Suffered a Significant Blow
Therefore, the claim by the ruling mullahs that they had no forces in Syria is a complete lie. They were not surprised by the events in Syria, either. Khamenei and his foreign minister clearly stated that they had informed Bashar al-Assad about the opposition’s movements months earlier.
In fact, it is correct to say that the fall of Bashar al-Assad was the result of the collapse of the regime’s forces in Syria.
These events carry grave consequences for the regime’s survival. Khamenei’s dominance has already suffered a significant blow. The terrorist Quds Force has faced a serious setback and is even facing questions within its ranks.
This situation has terrified the Basij and IRGC. In a public speech, Khamenei urged the regime’s promoters to confront their panic and dispair.
Overthrowing a Dictatorship is Possible
The most significant impact has been the remarkable boost in the fighting spirit among young people and the public’s readiness for future uprisings. The regime’s highest security bodies, including the Ministry of Intelligence and Sarallah Headquarters—, which is the key security base in Tehran—have issued confidential instructions to control the protests and prevent unexpected incidents. These orders clearly point to the possibility of uprisings.
Still, Khamenei found these security measures useless. In an unusual speech, he threatened to suppress participants in future protests.[6]
One of the most alarming aspects of Assad’s fall for the regime is that the Iranian people saw with great joy, that overthrowing of a highly criminal dictatorship is indeed possible. Fortunately, young Iranians have risen up to realize this goal. They are more and more joining the ranks of the Resistance Units. The number of operations carried out by the units this year has risen. They have improved their firepower and successfully targeted more critical sites, such as IRGC command centers.
The growing activities of Resistance Units are part of the wider preparations for an organized uprising to overthrow the regime. They tirelessly work, sacrifice and encourage new fighters to join them. The Resistance Units relentlessly counter the regime’s security measures. However, the decisive factor remains the effective support they enjoy among the Iranian people.
The regime’s strategic defeats in Syria and Lebanon are a reflection of its weakness at home. Like its predecessor, the mullahs’ dictatorship must be and will be overthrown.

Recognizing the Resistance Is an Integral Part of a Firm Policy
Dear friends,
The regime’s defeats in the region have been severe, from which it cannot recover. However, this should not lead to the false impression that Khamenei will give up the foundations of his rule. He will neither stop suppressing the Iranian people, nor abandon his nuclear weapons program, nor reconsider his regional warmongering.
The regime will take no real steps except to deceive its Western counterparts in order to accelerate its program to obtain nuclear weapon. It has resorted to war, repression and nuclear weapons not because it is powerful. The reality is that it has relied on these strategies to break the siege of uprisings and counter the wave of demands for regime change within Iranian society.
In 2023, when Khamenei incited the flames of a destructive war on October 7, he made a great mistake. Yet, he had to do so in order to delay the threat of uprisings within Iran by creating an external war.
Today, despite significant blows, he continues on the same path. There is only one solution for ending the regime’s influence in the region, stopping its nuclear and missile programs and forcing it to end the torture and executions of Iran’s youth. That solution is the overthrow of the religious dictatorship by the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance.
This Resistance advocates a democratic and pluralistic republic based on the separation of religion and state, gender equality and a peaceful, non-nuclear Iran.
It is time for the international community to recognize the Iranian people’s struggle to overthrow the regime and the battle of Iran’s rebellious youth against the IRGC.
Recognizing the Iranian Resistance and Resistance Units’ struggle is a necessary part of a firm policy against the mullahs’ regime. This is not one choice among many; it is the only practical and viable solution to confront the religious fascism ruling Iran.
Thank you all
[1] Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, press release, May 4, 2014
[2] Mullah Taeb, Iranian state media, February 14, 2013
[3] Ali Akbar Velayati, Iranian state media, January 26, 2013
[4] Tasnim news agency, December 11, 2024: “Dissident groups say the resistance forces had more than 30 bases in this region. However, in maps that are not exaggerated as the dissidents do, it is indicated that the resistance had bases in at least 17 regions.”
[5] London-based Al-Arab newspaper, December 20, 2024
[6] News Network TV, December 22, 2024
This article was first published by
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