Conference in the Presence of Mike Pompeo, former US Secretary of State

  The Strategic Defeat in Syria and Lebanon Is a Clear Reflection of the Clerical Regime’s Weakness and Instability The Next Dictatorship to Be Overthrown is the Mullahs’ Regime We are happy that PMOI members at Ashraf 3 are joining us today in this conference. We welcome them. Mr. Secretary, Welcome to the Home of the Iranian Resistance. We are delighted to host you in the early days of the New Year. I hope this year will be a successful year for the people of the United States and a year of freedom, peace and prosperity for our people and the entire Middle East. The Regime’s Setbacks in 2024 2024 was a year full of serious defeats for the regime. We saw widespread boycotts of two sham elections, increased resistance in prisons, more young people joining Resistance Units, and the expansion of their activities. The regime also confronted a broken economy, 40% inflation, widespread poverty and massive financial corruption, especially among officials and IRGC commanders and growing d...

Clerical Regime Auctions The Iranian People’s Assets And Resources

 Written by Secretariat Of The National Council Of Resistance Of Iran

The anti-Iranian mullahs’ regime auctioned the resources and properties of the people of Iran in a 25-year contract with China to preserve the disgraceful rule of the Velayat-e Faqih.
The clerical regime has refrained from publishing the complete text of the document and is preventing leakage of any details. To boost its position in any conceivable JCPOA negotiations and to gain more concessions from the new U.S. administration, the regime is trying to project this agreement as a winning card and as a way to get through the sanctions.

Even members of the regime’s parliament have been left unaware of the details of this agreement, which began in January 2016 by Khamenei himself during a meeting with the Chinese president.
Last year, on July 9, 2020, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi declared: The lives and health of Iranians, their water and land, and their culture and national resources are worthless to Khamenei, Rouhani, and other regime leaders. The mullahs only think of preserving their own religious fascist dictatorship, which Khomeini said is the most important issue. He said they could even forsake the precepts of Islam to preserve the regime. Therefore, the mullahs do not care the least about protecting the Iranian people’s assets and resources.

This article was first published by ncr-iran


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