Conference in the Presence of Mike Pompeo, former US Secretary of State

By Shamsi Saadati
Two years ago, around this time, Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran’s regime, appointed Ebrahim Raisi as his regime’s president and called it a “completely meaningful move.” “New people are entering into a field with new initiatives,” he said.
The goal was to unify the government to deal with resistance and uprising. But after last year’s nationwide uprising, the regime’s dream turned into nightmare, to the extent that many regime loyalists and the members of the Majlis (parliament) denounced the “failure of unified governance” and officially requested Raisi to resign.
On May 3, the state-run Jahan-e Sanat newspaper wrote, ” The current government is the weakest after the [1979] revolution. With such a degrading record, no room is left any more to defend or support it, and we see no one defending this government.”
The regime’s media is filled with fear from the inefficiency of the government and the prospect of the regime’s downfall.
On August 1, the state-run Hammihan newspaper ridiculed Raisi’s futile promises after two years of no results, and wrote, “Let’s analyze fairly. Two years ago on this day, what predictions would you have presented of the Iranian society for two years later? Inflation: it will be halved and reduced to a single digit. Employment: We will create one million jobs per year. Housing: one million units per year will be constructed…”
Earlier, the members of the Majlis, who had written a letter in support of Raisi’s candidacy at the behest of Khamenei, now regret doing that and have announced, “Several of those supporting representatives collected a petition, stating that they apologize to the Majlis and the nation for supporting Raisi to be elected as president. ” (Source: Khabar Online – April 28, 2023).
The display of regret from 95 percent of parliamentarians cannot be interpreted as anything but the regime being on the verge of downfall. The effects of this defeat became evident the year before. The National Council of Resistance of Iran had previously concluded that because of serious internal crises and fear of repeating events like the uprising of November 2019, which shook the foundations of the regime, Khamenei has chosen the policy of retrenchment by combining the three powers as the only and last solution to save his regime.
Khamenei’s “magic trick” was staged on Friday June 18, 2021, with an unprecedented scandal and with an unprecedented boycott of the sham presidential elections.
And finally, he selected Raisi, the perpetrator of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, as the winner of the presidential race.
The NCRI made it clear that appointing Raisi as a president will accelerate the regime’s overthrow.
From a political point of view, and the failure of Raisi’s project is indication how the PMOI reach a higher position. As president, the executioner of 1988 was supposed to eliminate the problem they pose to the regime. He also was supposed to prevent future uprisings and secure the future of the regime.
But today, the regime’s own experts admit the fact that the PMOI is the “issue of the day”and the “main issue” of the regime, because it has failed to prevent the youth of the country joining this organization. One of these experts, Mohammad Quchani, said, “The more we pay attention to this organization, the more we can analyze our functions and create the conditions to prevent the youth from joining them.” (Source: – IRNA – August 2, 2023).
Another regime’s expert named Fayaz beside admitting that the youth are joining the Mujahideen and regretting that they could not obliterate Mojahedin, said: The fact that the PMOI is structurally still alive and a group [of people] want to join them shows that it is not just because of the support of the United States and Britain. We haven’t yet destroyed the PMOI.”
This article was first published by PMOI/MEK
This article was published by eurasiareview
Iran Panorama
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